Flexible Office Rental Contracts

As a social enterprise organisaton our objective is to serve the local business community - therefore our contracts our flexible.
All units at The Business Exchange are a let on easy-in, easy-out flexible agreements known as a 'Tenancy at Will'.
This means that if you wish to move out you can end your tenancy without giving a fixed period of notice and without suffering financial penalty by way of payment in lieu of notice. You also have the flexibility to move to a larger/smaller office as soon as one becomes available.
With this very much in mind we have produced the simplest form of legal documentation that can be devised. However, you may wish to take legal advice on the obligations that you are undertaking.
Before offering you a tenancy we will need to know exactly what your business does.
Certain activities are specifically prohibited from The Business Exchange. These include sales by retail and any activity that may cause nuisance or annoyance to others.
The Centre Manager has the authority to determine which activities are not permitted in a particular occupied space.